Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women, or PW, is the gathering of small groups of Christian women who meet regularly to share their lives and encourage one another. The small groups are called circles. Women of all ages are welcome to join one or more of the PW circles.
Each circle meets at a different time (see list below) and does study, fellowship, worship, and mission in its own way. The circles coordinate on some mission projects and events through the leadership of the PW Coordinating Team.
The circles use either the PCUSA’s national PW curriculum, or other Bible Studies for women. You can join a circle by contacting the church office or by speaking with members of the circle directly.
Rising Women Circle provided lunch to Carolina Beach Elementary school staff and teachers
Mary Martha Circle 6:30 p.m., Second Monday of the month
Naomi Ruth Circle 10:00 a.m., Third Tuesday of the month
Cole Burris Circle 11:30 a.m., Second Tuesday of the month
Rising Women Circle 6:30 p.m., Fourth Tuesday of the month
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team meets at 6:30 p.m. First Monday evening of the month
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