Mission Ministries
Meals on Wheels
CBPC Meals on Wheels prepares and delivers approximately 30 meals to people on the island and across the bridge. We usually prepare this meal on the second Saturday of each month. Experienced volunteers help orient new ones and they also facilitate the involvement of Scouts, Sunday School classes, and the youth group who help from time to time.
It’s easy to help: You can help assemble the meals, or provide a side dish, share some homemade or deli-made bread, serve as a driver to deliver the meals, etc.
Please contact the church office or speak with our Meals on Wheels coordinator Larry Bell.
The Piecemakers meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for fellowship, and preparing quilts, prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby caps and other items to present to those people in our congregation or surrounding community who may need encouragement, healing, or warmth. They also made the beautiful blankets that are in the sanctuary for people to use during worship. Supplies and instructions for quilting, knitting, crocheting, sewing are provided. The group meets at the church in the Fellowship Hall and all are welcome! Contact the church office for more information.
Food Drives for the Help Center of Federal Point
We hold canned and dry good food drives in the fall and spring of the year. Some attendees bring them by the church during the week, but most are collected in worship each Sunday for a month. After the children’s sermon, the children in attendance at worship help gather the food items from those who have brought them, and we place them around the communion table. After worship the items are counted and volunteers deliver them to the Help Center during the following week to be distributed to individuals and families in need. Throughout the year there is a running announcement in the bulletin and newsletter that publicizes the items the Help Center needs at that time and many members and friends of the congregation respond with donations all year long.
A Few Other Ongoing Mission Projects
Eye-glass Collection - CBPC collects unneeded and gently used eyeglasses (basket outside church office) for distribution in needy countries. Contact Person: Bonnie Fanelli.
American Red Cross Blood Drive Our next donation day at our church is September 25th, 2024. Please Click here to schedule an appt to donate blood at our event.
Al-Anon Weekly meetings at CBPC, Tuesdays, 11:00 AM. Al-Anon is a support group of friends and relatives of those who suffer from alcoholism.
Good Shepherd Center www.goodshepherdwilmington.org - We collect personal care and hygiene items for the Good Shepherd Center. If you travel and end up not using your unopened hotel soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, or other item, you can donate those to the center. The Good Shepherd Center is an ecumenical/social ministry to help the hungry, homeless, and jobless in the Wilmington area. Volunteer opportunities available as well as donations of clothes and food.